
Smart Building

Building an efficient and sustainable future

Smart Building

What is a smart building?

A Smart Building is a structure equipped with innovative technologies that allow communication, management and control with all its systems so that they are automated and monitored.

Through these technologies, all the variables that intervene in and configure the building are controlled and monitored, collecting information on different parameters: air conditioning, lighting, electricity, security, telecommunications, computing, access control, etc.

The data obtained is used for the control and correct operation of the facilities, increasing their safety, usability and accessibility , allowing efficient maintenance and monitoring of incidents. Thus, an intelligent, more sustainable and ecological building is created.

Benefits in a Smart Building

  • Energy saving. Thanks to the intelligent management of the building, better efficiency and the desired comfort are achieved at a lower energy cost, achieving considerable savings through the control of lighting and ventilation.
  • Thermal and light control. They adapt the temperature and intensity of light in the environments according to a schedule to suit the needs of the user.
  • Safety. Smart buildings offer their users security mechanisms and access levels to be able to manage and view the different types of alarms that occur in their different systems, such as fire alarms, existence of high concentrations of harmful gases, floods, unauthorized access, etc. etc.
  • Comfort. The set of technologies that it integrates manages to create a pleasant environment for users in an efficient way.

IoT Wireless Solutions for Smart Buildings

  • Intelligent handling of information.
  • Integration of different magnitudes such as air conditioning, lighting, electricity, security, multimedia telecommunications, computing, access control, etc.
  • Interaction with users.
  • Anticipation of the needs of the occupants.

More information about IoT Wireless Solutions at: BMS & Smart Building – Smart Buildings

→ LoRaWAN Solutions

Wireless M-Bus Solution

→ Enless Wireless Solution

Wireless Produal Proxima® MESH 2,4 GHz

Do you have a Smart Building project? We are specialized in offering comprehensive solutions for vertical markets. Contact us.


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