Free webinars on IoT and electronics

Sign up for our next training webinars that will take place over the next few weeks. Find the ones that suit your needs, and register as soon as possible to secure your place.

MONDAY 20 – MTX-Router-Titan II
10:30 (GMT+2) Spanish
Webinar dedicated to one of the most advanced industrial routers on the market, with live demo and several case studies.

TUESDAY 21 – Introduction to the world of sensors
10:30 (GMT+2) Spanish
In this webinar we will introduce you to the world of sensors. We will discover the different magnitudes that can be measured, the protocols and methods to send that information to our platform and the different types of sensors that exist. In addition, we will review the wireless radio technologies that allow the sensing of an IoT solution without the need for cables.

THURSDAY 23 – MTX-StarWater: Smart Water Metering
10:30 (GMT+2) English, 12:00 (GMT+2) Spanish
In this webinar we will introduce you to a completely new IoT MTX device, specially designed for metering of water meters. It has a battery that allows it to work autonomously for more than 8 years, as well as interfaces and ideal features to be part of any water metering solution.

TUESDAY 28 – Developing an IoT solution
10:30 (GMT+2) Spanish
In this webinar we will develop a complete IoT case study based on Sensors, Routers and IoT Platform. This is a case of monitoring Data Center by installing sensors and receiving digital signals from the different devices in the room, processing them on an MTX-Router-Titan II and then sending them to different control platforms.

THURSDAY 30 – MTX-IoT modem and MTX-Tunnel Software
10:30 (GMT+2) English, 12:00 (GMT+2) Spanish
In this webinar we will focus on the MTX-IoT modem, which incorporates the MTX-Tunnel firmware that allows to cover practically any need that an IoT solution may ask a modem. We will take the opportunity to incorporate a live demo of device configuration with a temperature probe.

THURSDAY 7 – New Cervello IoT Platform (Monitoring, Control, Automation) and integration with Modems and MTX Routers
10:30 (GMT+2) English, 12:00 (GMT+2) Spanish
In this webinar we will premiere one of the great Matrix news for the first half of the year. This is the launch of a new version of Cervello IoT Platform, which among many other news incorporates one of the most demanded features, a total and automatic integration between MTX Modems and Routers and Cervello IoT Platform. You can see a live demo.

WEEK MAY 11-17
THURSDAY 14 – MTX-StarRoad, Automotive Router with ITxPT
10:30 (GMT+2) English, 12:00 (GMT+2) Spanish

In this webinar we will discover the first MTX device for transportation and automotive solutions that is ITxPT certified. It is an industrial router with an automotive housing and anti-vibration connectors with important and interesting features for the transport sector.

*Calendar and times subject to change

Seminar about IoT platforms in Valencia

On May 8th Matrix Electrónica will give a seminar on platforms in the cloud at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. This seminar wants to offer formation about the changing technologies related with IoT (Internet of Things), especifically with the functioning of IoT managing platforms. There will also be a practical part focusing on those attendees who want to share their projects.


10:00 – 13:30 THEORY BLOCK

First block will consist on an intensive theoretical formation about devices, firmware and other technologies dedicated to IoT, as well as an exposition of application examples and real solutions. During the seminar we will explore the concept of IoT, the differences between IoT and M2M, and we will explain the different elements that conform an IoT solution, from the cloud platform to the sensors, as well as the devices, connectivity protocols, firmware, etc. Access to the first block is free. You can download the contents in Spanish here.

Salón de Actos, Yellow Cube
Building 8E-CPI, G access, 3rd floor


15:00 – 17:00 PRACTICAL BLOCK (limited seats, register here)

The second block will be reserved to those attendees that already have IoT projects. These two hours will be used for practical cases, attendees will be able to present real projects and find possible IoT solutions along our experts. It will be a colaborative block where participation will be encouraged.

Innova Room, Green Cube
Building 8G-CPI, A/B access, 4th floor

UPV map

IoT trends MTX seminar in Durango

Durango will be the last stop of the IoT trends MTX seminar, closing the tour on May 31st, after its editions in Valencia, Barcelona, Madrid and Seville. As its predecessors, this seminar is for all of you who have an IoT project and want to know the direction Internet of Things is heading to.

The seminar, by the MTX Product Manager and Applications Engineer, will include a talk about the present and future of 2G, 3G and 4G/LTE networks, as well as a presentation of the latest MTX products: the new modem MTX-Java-IoT, compatible with MTX-Tunnel software; MTX-Router-Titan II, the new member of the Titan family; and the Cervello, the new cloud platform for IoT applications. Also, the seminar will feature demonstrations and practical cases for IoT solutions with MTX products. The atendees will be able to ask questions at a round table.

The location of the seminar will be announced soon, and will happen on May 31st from 9:30 to 13:30h.

If you want to attend, please register on this link (Spanish), where you can also suggest topics for the seminar. Don’t miss the last opportunity to attend to our seminar!

MTX Seminar about IoT Tendencies in Seville

After having successfully celebrated our MTX seminar about IoT tendencies in Valencia, Barcelona and Madrid, we have decided to include a new edition on May 8th in Seville. As its predecessors, this seminar is for all of you who have an IoT project and want to know the direction Internet of Things is heading to.

The seminar, by the MTX Product Manager and Applications Engineer, will include a talk about the present and future of 2G, 3G and 4G/LTE networks, as well as a presentation of the latest MTX products: the new modem MTX-Java-IoT, compatible with MTX-Tunnel software; MTX-Router-Titan II, the new member of the Titan family; and the Cervello, the new cloud platform for IoT applications. Also, the seminar will feature demonstrations and practical cases for IoT solutions with MTX products. The atendees will be able to ask questions at a round table.

The location of the seminar will be announced soon, and will happen on May 8th from 9:30 to 13:30h.

If you want to attend, please register on this link (Spanish), where you can also suggest topics for the seminar.


New MTX seminar on April 17th in Madrid

After the exceptionally good reception of the MTX seminar in Valencia and Barcelona, there will be a third edition in Madrid in April 17th. As its predecessors, this seminar is for all of you who have an IoT project and want to know the direction Internet of Things is heading to.

The seminar, by the MTX Product Manager and Applications Engineer, will include a talk about the present and future of 2G, 3G and 4G/LTE networks, as well as a presentation of the latest MTX products: the new modem MTX-Java-IoT, compatible with MTX-Tunnel software; MTX-Router-Titan II, the new member of the Titan family; and the Cervello, the new cloud platform for IoT applications. Also, the seminar will feature demonstrations and practical cases for IoT solutions with MTX products. The atendees will be able to ask questions at a round table.

The location of the seminar will be announced soon, and will happen on April 17th from 9:30 to 13:30h.

If you want to attend, please register on this link (Spanish), where you can also suggest topics for the seminar.


New MTX Seminar March 20th in Barcelona

After the exceptionally good reception of the MTX seminar in Valencia, there will be a second edition in Barcelona in March 20th. As its predecessor, this seminar is for all of you who have an IoT project and want to know the direction Internet of Things is heading to.

The seminar, by the MTX Product Manager and Applications Engineer, will include a talk about the present and future of 2G, 3G and 4G/LTE networks, as well as a presentation of the latest MTX products: the new modem MTX-Java-IoT, compatible with MTX-Tunnel software; MTX-Router-Titan II, the new member of the Titan family; and the Cervello, the new cloud platform for IoT applications. Also, the seminar will feature demonstrations and practical cases for IoT solutions with MTX products. The atendees will be able to ask questions at a round table.

The location of the seminar will be the @SantCugat Business Park (Av. de la Via Augusta, 15-25) in Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, and will happen on March 20th from 9:30 to 13:30h.

If you want to attend, please register on this link (Spanish), where you can also suggest topics for the seminar.


CPU RISC Embedded Modules Seminar

TQ and Matrix organize a CPU RISC embedded modules seminar thinking of all of those who are considering to develop ARM based projects. It will take place on Tuesday November 21st in Madrid, Wedenesday November 22nd in Valencia and Thursday November 23rd in Barcelona. The seminar speakers will be a embedded systems applications engineer from Matrix and a technitian from TQ, and their objective will be to help atendees to start their ARM projects and to solve any questions they have regarding these kind of processors.

During the seminar there will be step by step demos, and examples of ARM design real life cases. Also, the highlights will be the TQMa6ULx/L and TQMa7x embedded modules, both based on NXP processors and combining ARM Cortex-A7 with other interfaces, and with an optimal performance and consumption balance.

The event, launched yesterday via our newsletter, is already filling up. Since spaces are limited, we recommend you to reserve your spot as soon as possible on our registration page. You can also suggest subjects you would like to see included in the agenda on the registration form. Also, you can visualize or download the seminary flyer on the same page. We will keep updated those who register with agenda changes, times, and other relevant information.



  • Why choose ARM or x86 architecture?
  • When to use a Module, SBC or design from chip?
  • What processor is the most appropriate?
  • What are the main issues to deal with when it comes to ARM based designs?
  • What can we do to drastically reduce the time to market of a given design?
  • How can we minimize risks when it comes to designs?
  • What tools are available?
  • Subjects suggested by atendees.

Demonstrative Seminar: devices with Apollo Lake and the new COM Express Type 7

Are you lost in the universe of the embedded processors in search for Apollo Lake? From October 23rd to 26th in Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and Durango, there will be a seminary about Apollo Lake courtesy of Matrix Electrónica and congatec. The contents of the seminary will focus on the devices embedded with Apollo Lake, the last family of Intel Atom processors, oriented to the market of embedded processors.

The seminary is 100% technical and focused on digging deep into the features and functioning of the modules and SBCs with Apollo Lake, as well as into the new COM Express Type 7 modules. During the day, our applications and embedded systems engineer as well as congatec personnel, will make demonstrations of how the modules and SBCs with Apollo Lake and COM Express Type 7 function.

The preliminary Schedule is from 9 to 2:30pm, with a lunch break and possibly an after-lunch Q&A or one-to-one meetings if required by any customer.

The attendance will be limited to those who apply first, so make sure to register asap in our website. We will contact you to confirm your spot, and give you specific information about the date and location of the seminar in your city.



congatec Introduction

  • Brief intro
  • Module portfolio: Qseven, SMARC 2.0, COMExpress
  • SBCs: Pico-ITX, Mini-ITX
  • How to pick the best format for your application

DEMO: New Apollo Lake processors

  • Comparative previous generations
  • Demo with Apollo Lake module, Q7/SMARC format
  • Demo with Pico-ITX based on Apollo Lake

DEMO: New format COMExpress Type 7

  • Main features
  • Demo with COMExpress Tipo 7 module

Software tools

  • ARM modules: Yocto
  • x86 modules: Yocto & BIOS
  • Available resources

Presentacion de soluciones M2M-IoT Gemalto Thales M2M y MTX M2M. Mayo 2015

Matrix Electrónica les invita a conocer los productos y novedades para IoT y M2M gracias a Gemalto THALES M2M-Cinterion y MTX M2M, que se impartirá en las ciudades de Madrid, Bilbao y Barcelona, durante el mes de Mayo 2015.




Ubicación Fecha Plazas Horario
Madrid 18/05/2015 20 9:00h-14:00h
Bilbao 19/05/2015 20 9:00h-14:00h
Barcelona 21/05/2015 25 9:00h-14:00h

Dentro de su programa de formación para 2015, Matrix Electrónica está preparando una presentación y  jornada tecnica en soluciones para aplicaciones en el emergente mercado de IoT -Internet of Things- y  M2M -Maquina a Maquina- de la mano de Gemalto Cinterion y Matrix MTX M2M.

En este seminario se repasarán la gama de productos de Cinterion sus novedades en modulos 2G, 3G y 4G-LTE. Se prepararán unas sesiones prácticas donde el asistente podrá adquirir unos conocimientos de los principales comandos AT para configurar y realizar comunicaciones básicas CSD, SMS y GPRS, asi como las posibilidades de embeber y programacion interna en la nueva versión JAVA J2ME

Dirigido a clientes con necesidades de soluciones y aplicaciones IoT – M2M via GPRS, UMTS y en ya presente LTE, así como la integración y solucion de comunicaciones adicionales Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS/GNSS, ISM…

Combinación de presentaciones técnicas teóricas y demostraciones prácticas en las que podremos ver los distintos aspectos de comunicaciones M2M, y analizar distintos escenarios de integración con otros dispositivos.


9:00h             Bienvenida
9:15h             Presentacion produtos y roadmap Cinterion
Soluciones de migracion 2G a 3G y 3G a 4G(LTE)
10:35h           Coffee Break
11:00h           Desarrollo aplicaciones JAVA
11:30h           Demostración escenarios comunicaciones
Modems, Routers, Gateways, Software MTX-Tunnel
12:35h           Integracion de soluciones y aplicaciones
12:45h           Herramientas y demostraciones
Comandos AT, JAVA, Linux Gateway,
13:30h           Preguntas y respuestas. Cierre del seminario.


Lunes 18 Mayo MADRID

Martes 19 Mayo BILBAO

Jueves 21 Mayo BARCELONA

Se avisará en anticipado sobre el lugar de impartición.

Curso de formación oficial Mitel

Matrix Electrónica junto con la colaboración de MItel España va a celebrar una formación oficial de su producto MiVoice Business.

Durante el curso de formación MiVoice Core Business I & M se impartirán los conocimientos fundamentales que intervienen en la instalación, configuración, mantenimiento y solución de problemas de un sistema standalone MiVoice Business.

Este curso otorga a los participantes con la certificación oficial MiVoice Core Business I & M cualificándolos para poder prestar soporte técnico del Core MiVoice Business.

Además se impartirán los conocimientos básicos de los cursos avanzados MiVoice Business Networking, Clustering y Resiliency I & M.
TIPO: Presencial
PRECIO: EUR 1.895,00
Ubicación Fecha Plazas
Madrid 25/05/2015 8

Las plazas son limitadas y serán adjudicadas por orden de inscripción

Todo el material necesario para el curso de formación será suministrado por Matrix Electrónica.


Durante los cuatro días se impartirán los siguientes temas:

Course Resources
Initial Setup and Licensing
Assigning Access Privileges
User and Services Configuration
Controlling Phone Features With Classes of Service
Attendant Consoles
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Group Programming
SIP Trunks
Automatic Route Selection (ARS)
Hot Desking
Call Handling
Embedded Voice Mail
Upgrading or Reloading Software


1895€ /participante, incluyendo:

Demo Kit vMiVoice Business
1 unidad teléfono IP Mitel 5312
1 unidad teléfono IP Mitel 5330e
1 unidad teléfono IP Mitel 6863i
Software Demo (MiVoice)
Curso de Formación MiVoice Business

En caso de estar interesado únicamente en el curso de formación el precio de este es 1350€ / participante.

Prerequisitos: Para poder acceder al curso de formación los participantes deben llevar a cabo una formación on-line previa al registro.


Lunes: 10:00 – 17:00
Martes a Jueves: 09:00 – 17:00
Viernes: 09:00 hasta finalización del examen.

Lugar: Madrid

La fecha límite para realizar el pago del curso es el 18 de mayo 2015.

Para más información por favor pónganse en contacto con nosotros a traves del teléfono, 902 198 146 o el email


* indicates required